Why we need a 
Georgia Green Party Now!
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The Georgia Green Party
A party of Compassion, the Politics of Hope

Why we need a Georgia Green Party NOW . . . 

  • Because the children’s future depends on it. 
  • Because the future of life itself depends on it. 
  • Because we have a RIGHT to clean air, clean water, clean soil, clean food and clean politics. 
  • Because public forests and the public airwaves should serve people and future generations, not the profits of corporations. 
  • Because tripling the number of Georgians  imprisoned at taxpayer’s expense has not made our communities safer. 
  • Because spending half of federal tax dollars on preparations for war does not make us more secure. 
  • Because neither race baiting nor ignoring racism has saved our jobs, wages or working conditions. 
  • Because the globe is warming, the seas are rising, the polar caps are melting and hundreds of species become extinct every month. 
  • Because the state DOT wants to spend $5+ Billion on a Second Perimeter Highway while a 1,000 people die annually from polluted air diseases in metro Atlanta, alone. 
  • Because we lose dozens of acres of forests in the metro Atlanta area every day while chip mills are decimating southern native forests. 
  • Because Du Pont wants to either mine the Okeefenokee Swamp or have the public pay it $90 million not to. 
  • Because ending welfare as we know it doesn’t seem to deal with the subsidies benefiting corporations that pay wages that have families in poverty. 
  • Because the nuclear industry wants to ship radioactive wastes on the rails and highways of Georgia to dump it on Native lands out West. 
  • Because instead of a peace dividend, women are raped every six minutes in the midst of an ongoing reliance on impoverishing militarism, including at least two Georgia bases with nuclear weapons. 
Why do we need a Georgia Green Party now? 

Because the madness must stop. 
Because peace and justice are possible in our lifetimes. 

Help be the Cause of that!

The Ten Key Values:
Ecological Wisdom Grassroots DemocracySocial Justice
Peace and Non-ViolenceDecentralization
Community-Based EconomicsFeminism
Respect for DiversityPersonal & Global Responsibility
Future Focus on Sustainability
Georgia Green Party
P.O. Box 5332; Atlanta, GA 31107 
770/ 635-3496 or 800/ 447-6694 (vm & fax) 
ggp@greens.org  * http://www.greens.org/georgia/