Elected Officials

Green Party Officeholders in Alameda County
Dona Spring  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (January 22, 1953 – July 13, 2008) was an American and activist and Green Party politician. She served on the Berkeley City Council from 1992 until her death in 2008.  Spring was born in Plentywood, Montana. After an active youth, she graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with honors, earning a bachelor's degree in anthropology and psychology.  Spring worked for many years as an activist devoted to causes such as disability rights, seniors, at-risk youth, poverty, the environment and animal rights. She used a wheelchair for much of her adult life due to rheumatoid arthritis.

Spring was elected to the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee in 1986 and to the county's Green Party County Council in 1990.  Spring's successful candidacy for the Berkeley City Council in 1992 was a galvanizing event for the newly-qualified Green Party of California. She served on the Alameda County Recycling Board from 1997 to 2001, including a stint as its president in 2001. She was elected to her fifth, and last, term to the Berkeley City Council in 2006 with 72% of votes cast. Her last act as a member of the city council was to seek medical attention for the tree sitters on the Berkeley oak grove controversy at the University of California, Berkeley.  More Links Here.
John Selawsky is now in his 7th year of service as a member of the Berkeley School Board.  He was previously President of the Board, and is currently Vice-President. In 2004, in recognition of his outstanding environmental record, including leadership in converting the school bus fleet to biodiesel and installation of solar design panels at the High School, he became the only School Board member to ever receive an endorsement from the Sierra Club.

In November, 2006, four Green Party members were elected to the Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board. Incumbents Howard Chong, a UC Berkeley graduate student, and Chris Kavanagh, a middle school teacher, were joined by Lisa Stephens, an urban forest and garden specialist, and Pam Webster, who serves on the Board of Berkeley's Ecology Center. The first Green Party member ever elected to the Rent Board, Selma Spector, was termed-out of office in 2006 after having served for eight years.
Other Bay Area Elected Greens
Oakland and Berkeley are located near the center of the San Francisco Bay Area region, home to at least 22 other elected Green Party officials.  Other elected Greens in our region include San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, Mayor Larry Robinson and City Council members Craig Litwin and Sam Pierce, who together form a majority of the Sebastopol City Council, Mayor Lew Tremaine and City Council member Larry Bragman on the Fairfax City Council, Moraga Town Council member Lynda Deschambault, San Francisco School Board members Jane Kim and Mark Sanchez, and Jim Harvey and Paul Perkovic, Board members of the Montara Water and Sanitary District. There are also several former Green Party elected officials in the San Francisco Bay Area including Matt Gonzalez, former President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

The Oakland Greens are a local of the Green Party of Alameda County (GPAC),
the county organization of the
Green Party of California (GPCA).

We welcome people with a Green perspective relating to the Oakland area (Oakland, Emeryville, Piedmont, Alameda)
www.cagreens.org/oakland | oakland@cagreens.org | 510-436-3722 | P.O. Box 3727 Oakland, CA 94609.

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