Jill Stein for President 2024!

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Green Parties World Wide - Historical Site

The greens.org website has been active since 1995. It was originally created to assist Green Parties and candidates get online and to help the public find them, through a collection of links to Green Parties around the world. Greens.org also featured a collection of platforms from around the United States. Each state party had their own variation on the Ten Key Values of the Greens too and these were collected here as well. Greens.org was also the home of the Green Internet Society. Web hosting, DNS and email were offered to Green Parties and activists. We also encouraged coders to create and share free/open source software our campaigns could use.

Times change and so has our mission. Greens are fully engaged on the web and in social media. But as a grassroots party, it's important to have a place to feature activists who are working to get the people some wins. We have invited Greens with great ideas to share them here and we will share what they are doing in return. History is important though, so we are carefully restoring the essence of the original website and removing broken links. And all the while thinking about the future - one with a strong Green presence.

  • Global Green Coordination
  • Global Greens Network
  • Global Greens Charter
  • Global Greens Forums
  • More Global Greens Indexes
  • Meso and South America
  • North America
  • Australia and New Zealand
  • Africa
  • Europe
  • Asia
     Ecological Wisdom - Grassroots Democracy
[Earth from space picture]
Social Justice - Peace/Nonviolence

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