We Are Greens
Ecological Wisdom - Grassroots Democracy - Social Justice - Peace/Nonviolence
The United States needs a viable political party representing the needs of the working class. Our Four Pillars guide the way.
We are Greens - find out why we decided to create something better than what the current political monopoly allows, what our hopes for the future are, and how we plan to get there.
I'm Green because I believe in human rights which include housing, healthcare, education, living wages and a planet free of greed filled pollution for all.
The Green Party is the only party in America that speaks for me because it's the only political party that listens.
Corporate and corruption free democracy is the only way we will survive as a nation and world.
Patrick Dillon is one of the founders of i Political Consulting
Historical Site - Green Party of the United States - GPUS Elections Database - New Green Horizons - Green Ballot Access - Contact Us