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Synthesis/RegenerationA Magazine of Green Social Thought |
A Magazine of Green Social Thought
c/o WD Press, P.O. Box 300275, St. Louis MO 63130
314-727-8554 (evenings, weekends)
E-mail: fitzdon@aol.com
July, 2005
Dear Green or greenish friend,
Perhaps the only factor that prevents the Bush regime's invading Venezuela to overthrow the democratic government and plunder that country for oil is the unending quagmire in Iraq. The Fall 2005 Synthesis/Regeneration (No. 38) carries articles looking at Venezuela from three angles. They are part of an overall theme of "Shaking Off El Norte," which features essays examining Ecuador, Cuba, the School of the Americas, peasant movements and computer software.
Of course, a successful challenge to US domination of Latin America needs an independent political movement. The section on "Thinking Politically" looks at Green Party problems that interfere with its taking a leadership role.
This issue of S/R documents ecological crises of corporate contamination of India, ocean ecosystems and fishing companies. Economics articles explore the damage of extreme inequality in income and energy use.
Rates for S/R 35 are:
1-4 copies, $3.95 each;
5-9 copies, $3.00 each;
10+ copies, $2.00 each.Please make checks to "WD Press" and mail to P.O. Box 24115, St. Louis MO 63130. No postage charges if in US. Non-US add 15% Canada, 25% other [surface mail] or 40% Canada, 60% other [air mail]. Subscriptions to S/R (4 issues) are $15 (US). Non-US subscriptions are: $19 Canada, $26 other [surface mail] or $27 Canada, $35 other [air mail].
In solidarity,
Don Fitz, Editor, Synthesis/Regeneration