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A Magazine of Green Social Thought

Call for articles, 1 Dec 2000


c/o WD Press, P.O. Box 24115, St. Louis MO 63130
314-727-8554 (evenings, weekends)
E-mail: fitzdon@aol.com

December 1, 2000

Dear Friends,

Synthesis/Regeneration invites submissions for the Winter 2001 issue (No 24). S/R is sent to members of the Greens/Green Party USA. There are several themes which would be good for articles.

1. Grassroots Party Building. How can Greens use the 2000 campaign to build local activist and electoral groups?

2. Campaign Reflections. What were the strongest aspects of the 2000 campaign and what can Greens learn from it for the future?

3. Political Diversity & Alliance Building. How can Greens build electoral alliances with people of color, labor, feminist, gay, environmental and other progressive organizations?

4. Electoral Reform. How do US electoral practices compare with those in other countries and how can they be improved?

5. Green Economics. See issues 21, 22 and 23 (or visit the S/R web site) for the thread on changing social systems of production and distribution.

6. Violence. Many S/R authors address militarism, police violence and models for creating a non-violent society.

7. Biodevastation. S/R continues to be one of the best sources of information on genetic engineering and related biological atrocities.

Most articles for S/R are 1400 to 1600 words, which comes to two pages in the magazine.

We need to RECEIVE articles by January 15, 2001, though December 31, 2000 would be even better. You should include your organizational affiliation, postal address, e-mail address and phone number with your submission.

If you plan to send something, please let me know right away what topic you intend to cover.


Don Fitz, for Synthesis/Regeneration

Please forward this message and post it on other lists.

This URL: http://www.greens.org/s-r/call24.html

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