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Greens Welcome Cobb / LaMarche Ticket
Green Party of the U.S.: http://www.gp.org/
Cobb/LaMarche campaign: http://www.votecobb.org/
Milwaukee convention: http://www.gp.org/convention/index.html
Press releases: http://www.gp.org/press.html
MILWAUKEE, WI—A strong majority of delegates at Forward 2004! The Green National Convention nominated David Cobb and running mate Pat LaMarche as their candidates for the White House.
Votes from the Texas delegation, from Mr. Cobb’s native state, gave him a total of 408 during the second round of voting, topping the 385 necessary to win the party's nomination. 769 delegates from 47 states participated in the vote. The contest that emerged in the final months of the campaign for Green support pitted a nomination for Mr. Cobb against endorsement of independent candidate Ralph Nader and his running mate, Green activist Peter Camejo.
“I look forward to doing for the next four months what I've been doing for the past eight months—working to build and grow the Green Party, supporting local candidates and registering more Green voters,” said David Cobb.
Pat LaMarche, noting that the Cobb/LaMarche ticket features two candidates registered in the Green Party, unlike the 2000 campaign, said, “I’m proud that we have a Green Party ticket with Green candidates advancing a Green agenda.”
“The six-month Green primary has produced a truly Green ticket,” said Ben Manski, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States. “While a year ago, few predicted that a grassroots Green would emerge from the ranks of the party, David Cobb has proven that the party has developed a high level of political maturity and self-confidence. We look forward to working with the Cobb/LaMarche ticket in challenging voters to cast their votes for the growth of America’s true opposition party.”
A press conference featuring David Cobb and Pat La-Marche, which was held at the Hyatt Regency in Milwaukee shortly after the nomination, can be viewed on line at: http://www.newsparkproductions.org.
[17 aug 04]