A collection of Green Party platforms
Long ago, the Green Committees of Correspondence asked a lot of hard questions, expressing what became known as The Ten Key Values of the Greens. As the Green Parties developed, they wrote Platforms discussing how they would implement those Values. These are the platforms that are available on-line.
- ACT Greens (Australia)
- Alberta
- Arkansas
- British Columbia
- California (2000) (1998)
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- DC Statehood Green Party
- Florida
- Hawai'i
- Idaho
- Illinois (provisional, March 2000)
- Indiana
- Labrador and Newfoundland
- Louisiana
- Maine (2000)
- Massachusetts (PDF only) (Ten Key Values)
- Michigan (and Huron Valley 1995)
- Minnesota
- Nevada
- New Jersey (in development)
- New Mexico
- New York
- Ohio
- Ontario (more CMS trouble)
- Oregon
- Rhode Island refers to GP-US
- Saskatchewan
- Virginia (1997) ( 1995)
- Wisconsin (2003)
- Green Party of the United States 2004
(plain text version from 2000 149K) -- This was Ralph Nader's platform in 2000.
- " The Greens/Green Party USA" -- This was NEVER Ralph Nader's platform. (It was actually adopted by 23 "TG/GPUSA" members meeting in Chicago.) Adversaries of the Greens often claimed it was Nader's. Some didn't know any better; others were lying.
- "Someday is Now" election platform of the Green Party of Canada