Ecological Wisdom - Grassroots Democracy - Social Justice - Peace/Nonviolence

Green Parties of North America


Dr. Cornel West has withdrawn his candidacy for the Green Party nomination. He is going to run as an "independent" instead.

Dr. Jill Stein is running for the Green Party nomination. Her platform is the Green political movement's platform:

  • A just economy with an "economic bill of rights."
  • A real Green New Deal to address the climate emergency in a socially just and economically restorative way.
  • Civil rights of all people genuinely defended and ensured
  • Peace and global human rights. End the endless wars and military money pit.
  • Real democracy.

Green Values * Where should we go ?
Iraq Journal
GP-US Peace page
Green Change social network
Independent Media
100 Fires Books
Goods for Greens
Working for Change
Open Source Reporter
.green weblogs
Common Dreams
Northern Sun
Platforms * How can we get there ?
Office holders * Greens who got elected in the US
Candidates * Greens running for office in the US
Writings * Publications and philosophy

Find the Greens in your State or Province here:

This list is intentionally frozen, as a record of the Greens' state in about 2003. To find your state's current Green Party, visit Green Party of the United States.

Alabama | Alaska | Alberta | Arizona | Arkansas | British Columbia | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Hawai'i | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kentucky | Labrador | Louisiana | Maine | Manitoba | Maryland | Massachusetts | Minnesota | Michigan | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | Newfoundland | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | South Carolina | Ohio | Ontario | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Quebec | Rhode Island | Saskatchewan | South Carolina | Tennessee | Texas | Virginia | West Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin |

National Groups



Green Party of the United States (40 states (?), estimated 210,000 registrants)
Green Alliance (new, Jan 19-20 2002 startup invitation)
Campus Greens USA
Lavender Greens
Asian Greens (soon)
more US sites

Web and email hosting * there's room for your Green project here!
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