We envision an evolutionary change in our current
educational system. We call for a true commitment to
education that educates the whole person and focuses on
human development and personal enrichment rather than just
"producing" workers for a consumer society. We believe in
education that fosters the development of a global
consciousness, an appreciation of both the diversity and
common heritage of humanity, and a consciousness of the
unity of life. We support education that promotes the
values of peace, cooperation, community, justice,
compassion, love, and a reverence for all life. We
recommend reevaluation of assessment methods so that the
uniqueness of each individual is recognized. We believe
that education is not just for the young but a life-long
activity that can be available and affordable for all
We strongly believe that an equitable, well-funded,
quality educational system is a cornerstone of a just,
sustainable society. When we support our educators with
adequate resources, they can fully use their skills, ideas,
and creativity.
We support an educational system that responds to
changing lifestyles and societal trends. For example, we
support extended school hours to meet the needs of children
whose parents are fully employed during the day. We call
for an increase in educational options by providing
encouragement and assistance for home schooling, peer
helping, community participation in teaching, parents as
teachers, enlargement of the classroom to include the
community and natural surroundings, and so forth.
We support the use of various teaching methods that
appeal to different learning styles, increase self-esteem,
develop non-violent conflict resolution and other
communication skills, expand critical thinking skills, and
model participatory democracy. We encourage teachers,
parents, and, students, when feasible, to participate
actively in decisions about education.
We acknowledge that in order for education to be
successful, the basic needs of all students must be met.
These are housing, nutrition, health care, and safety.
We support:
Progressive taxation to provide ample funding for
education at all levels.
Education for the whole person that promotes human
values and integrates environmental literacy into the
A commitment to neighborhood schools for grades K
through 12 in which the school board, administrators,
teachers, and other personnel reflect the cultural diversity
of the community and in which teachers, parents, and the
students themselves make more decisions.
Continuing development of an educational system that
addresses the social, intellectual, emotional, and
recreational needs of students of all ages.
The development of assessment tools and grading systems
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North America.
Formatted by C. L. Spitzer.
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that value the whole student and consider her or his