We believe that crime prevention policies could
be sensible and non-violent. We believe that the promotion
of healthy "green" values and legislation that reflects
these values will do much to prevent the social diseases.
We support the values of non- violence. We support
education and all strategies to end violence in all strata
of society. We also believe that the violent treatment of
offenders is inconsistent with the values of non-violence
and promotes further violence rather than prevents it.
We recognize that drugs are fundamentally a health
problem rather than a criminal matter. We support programs
that help people to overcome their abuse problems and help
communities that are most threatened with drug-related
violence. (See Health and Healing Platform.)
We support:
Full enforcement of laws and appropriate penalties for
all violent crimes motivated by bias, hatred, or hostility
against individuals or groups because of their race, gender,
color, religion, national origin, age, ancestry, sexual
orientation, or health condition or disability.
An expansion of educational, job training, and community-
service programs within the prisons.
Greater use of community-service programs and
retribution programs as an alternative to incarceration,
when appropriate.
A judicial system that reflects the community with
respect to race, and gender representation, etc.
Elimination of the death penalty in Missouri.
Control of hand guns and all automatic weapons.
A step-by-step program to decriminalize drugs, beginning
with drugs that are less dangerous or are used for medical
purposes and proceeding as information is gathered and model
programs are developed.
Stiff penalties for the sale of drugs to minors and any
usage that endangers or jeopardizes the health or safety of
The rights of communities to be involved in developing
their own drug policies and rehabilitation programs.
Programs that help neighborhoods deal with their drug
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Go to Green Parties of
North America.
Formatted by C. L. Spitzer.
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