ASGP Platform Process 
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The Green Party Platform 
timeline / agenda and process 
for the 2000 Nominating Convention

Feb -- proposed Platform revisions, submitted by local/state party and
individual Greens to the Platcom in 1998/99, sorted and organized by topic
by the Platform Committee, are circulated to all state parties and
interested Greens. State reps distribute the proposed revisions within
their states and a sixty day local discussion/comment period begins... 

March/April -- Platform discussion continues. The state reps forward their
state party's responses/votes on the proposed revisions back to the
Platcom. The responses/votes are taken under consideration by Platcom,
which will recommend and distribute an amended set of revisions. 

May -- the state parties review the amended changes and return their
comments/votes and recommendations to the Platcom by the last week of May.

June 1-22 -- the Platcom reviews the state party, local input and votes,
and assembles proposed recommendations for the Nominating Convention.

June 23 -- Thursday afternoon: Platcom meeting to discuss the recommended
revisions and proposed key areas of the Green Party Platform. The final
Platcom proposal is distributed to the Coordinating Committee.

June 24 -- Friday afternoon: The Coordinating Committee meets to discuss
and vote to adopt the proposed Green Party Platform and key areas for
Saturday's agenda.

Saturday morning: After opening tasks, the Platform Committee's
recommendations go to the floor of the Convention, per the Rules of the
Convention. Key areas proposed for discussion, debate and majority vote
include the Green key values, democracy and political reform, economic
justice, health care, human rights, the environment, a Blue-Green Agenda
and a set of positions on the "Battle after Seattle - Beyond the WTO".
Specific submissions to be considered will be chosen by the ASGP
Coordinating Committee by preference vote prior to the Convention on
Friday, from submissions that have been through the Platform Committee
process -- no submissions from the floor of the Convention or the ASGP
Coordinating Committee meeting will be considered. Only those highest
priority items for which there is time to consider in the agenda will be
addressed on Saturday. Each item addressed shall have 15 minutes - 3
speakers for 2 minutes for each position (to support or reverse the
decision of the Platform Committee) followed by a vote.

The Convention facilitators manage the floor debate and time limits will
keep the process moving.

Work done prior to the Convention by the state parties, ASGP, Coordinating
Committee and Platcom is adopted in the areas of the Platform that have
ongoing support, beginning with the basic document which has been accepted
by the ASGP as a work-in-progress.

Saturday afternoon: The Platform debate and votes conclude with adoption of
the full Platform document and consideration of resolutions from state
delegations, which require a simple majority of the delegate assembly to
approve. The afternoon session will close with a series of "open session"
speeches from state delegations on the critical importance of a strong and
unified Green campaign and progressive voice in the 2000 national debate
and presidential campaign.

These speeches are distributed to the press-media and circulated to the
respective state's news organizations. Each state party and/or delegate
group at the Convention in this way will be able to address the most
pressing and/or critical issues in their state/region/local area by
elaborating their key areas of concern and Green platform positions.

# # # # 

Saturday afternoon (continuing): featured speakers

Saturday evening: dinner and keynote speakers

Sunday: Presidential-Vice Presidential Nomination and Election. Reports
from state parties and delegates and the nominations, roll call votes,
election of the Green 2000 President and Vice President candidates, and
acceptance speeches.
The Ten Key Values:
Ecological Wisdom Grassroots DemocracySocial JusticePeace and Non-ViolenceDecentralizationCommunity-Based EconomicsFeminism • 
Respect for DiversityPersonal & Global ResponsibilityFuture Focus on Sustainability
Georgia Green Party
P.O. Box 5332; Atlanta, GA 31107 *
(877) 473-3609 (GREEN-09) (or 770/ 635-3496) (vm & fax)