Resolution to Ratify 
Platform 1999
Georgia Green Party
Home1999 Platform of the Georgia Green Party • Resolution to Ratify Platform 1999 • 1998 Platform of the Georgia Green Party

A Resolution of the Coordinating Council
of the Georgia Green Party

A resolution adopted June 29th, 1999, to provide for the adoption and
publication of the Platform - 1999 of the Georgia Green Party.

Whereas, the by-laws of the Georgia Green Party provide that the Annual Convention of the Party may adopt a platform; and

Whereas, the Party held a Nominating Convention in Americus on April 17th, 1999 where, among other business, the Party considered twenty-seven proposed amendments to the 1998 Platform offering three new planks and changes to ten existing planks; and

Whereas, the minutes of that Convention, published in the Internal Discussion Bulletin #99-1:13 through 32, amended and accepted by the Council on 5/25/99, document how the delegates considered twenty-seven proposed changes to the Platform, defeated one on a vote, tabled a second and consented to the author's withdrawal of a third while consenting to the adoption of twenty-four of the twenty-seven proposed amendments; and

Whereas, the 1998 Platform was revised by compiling it with the amendments passed by the 1999 Americus Convention, and this compilation was accomplished by Hugh Esco, in his capacity as clerk of the Party, and published in the Party's Internal Discussion Bulletin #99-1:59 through 83; and

Whereas, the clerk has compiled and the Council has adopted an amendment to the compiled Platform, as published in the Internal Discussion Bulletin, correcting several stylistic, punctuation and spelling errors as enumerated in that amendment.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Coordinating Council, ratifies IDB#99-1:59 through 83 as corrected by the stylistic amendments, as the 1999 Platform of the Georgia Green Party.

RESOLVED, that the Clerk is directed to publish this platform on the web site of the Georgia Green Party.

RESOLVED, that the Quick Decision Council is authorized to publish Platform-99 in full or by excerpt in brochures, press releases, tabloids, flyers and other suitable means of sharing the Party's positions on important issues with the general public and the media.

RESOLVED, that the members of the Coordinating Council are authorized to speak publicly on behalf of the Party on the issues addressed in this Platform, being careful to distinguish Party policy from personal positions.

RESOLVED, that in publishing the Platform, the Party shall invite interested Georgians to get involved with the Party, to organize affiliated locals to send delegates to the 2000 Convention and to offer their input to expand and refine this Platform.

RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall publish a version of the Platform, line-numbered for refrence and discussion, and distribute it as part of a package on local organizing developed in cooperation with the Local Affiliation Committee for not more than $20.00 as a merchandise item, and for free to organizing or affiliated locals for internal duplication and distribution.
The Ten Key Values:
Ecological Wisdom Grassroots DemocracySocial JusticePeace and Non-ViolenceDecentralizationCommunity-Based EconomicsFeminism • 
Respect for DiversityPersonal & Global ResponsibilityFuture Focus on Sustainability
Georgia Green Party
P.O. Box 5332; Atlanta, GA 31107 
(800) 447-6694 (vm & fax) *