The Georgia Green Party's by-laws provide for an annual Convention
where we can adopt or amend a platform, adopt budgets and strategies, elect
internal leadership and nominate candidates. The '98 election year is here.
The Coordinating Council has published a Call for a Nominating Convention.
If you affirm the values and political principles of the Greens, we'd like
for you to join us as a delegate on June 6th in Wrightsville Georgia. Delegates
can be designated by a person who collects a sufficient number of signatures
on a petition or by a local in an organized jurisdiction or a caucus in
an unorganized jurisdiction. Please write and include your address, email,
phone, fax and communities. We'll help you get started on collecting the
necessary signatures or organize or connect with a local affiliate which
can send a delegation to the Convention.
An informal discussion was held the evening of Wednesday, July 23, 1997
at 5:00 pm in Wrightsville Georgia. This was one in a series of evolving
strategy discussions which Green activists in Georgia have been holding
throughout the state, sometimes as part of a Green caucus at existing gatherings.
This discussion was a stand-alone event where we discussed two questions: