Hugh Esco
Your Green Party Candidate
for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia

How to reach me!
   Where I Stand on the Issues!
   My Record of Community Service
   My responses to candidate surveys!
   Press Releases from my Campaign!

Why I am running for
Lieutenant Governor:

I believe our state needs:

  • someone who will aggressively advocate for the progressive politics
    that will materially improve the conditions of our lives.

    independent political movement that will re-energize democratic participation
    in our communities. (I've worked the last 9 years to promote such a movement).

    values of a Green politics:
    non-violence, social justice, participatory democracy,
    ecological integrity and real community.

Let me hear from you!
Your vote, financial contributions and
volunteer energy are needed and appreciated.

GGP Message and Fax: 800/ 447-6694
Hugh's Beeper: 404/ 737-6350

Paid for by the Committee for a Just and Sustainable Future -- 1998
Richard Robbins, Treas., P.O. Box 5332, Atlanta GA 31107

I believe we must:

Democratize Elections
Let's get private money out of public policy making so government serves people, not profits. Let's increase the voice of women, racial and political minorities through proportional representation. Let's open the ballot so it serves as a marketplace for our ideas, not just ideas acceptable to the corporations.

Free the Motor Fuel Tax
Let's use this public money for the transportation needs of all the people, rather than profits of the asphalt/ auto/ petroleum lobbies. Let's fund projects for pedestrians, cyclists, the elderly, the differently-abled.

Prevent Pollution
Let's restore a public trust of stewardship toward our planet, replacing a corporate agenda of waste and greed with a commitment to sustainable life. Let's protect and restore Forests and Green spaces. Let's ban incineration, reduce reliance on landfills, implement zero pollution discharge, promote organic food production, expand wilderness areas and agressively pursue a goal of Zero Waste by 2020.

Provide Health Care for All
Let's provide universal, single-payer, comprehensive and holistic healthcare that replaces the corporate system of illness treatment and removes the profit motive and a scarcity mentality from healthcare decisions.

Implement a Restorative Justice System
Let's institute a restorative system of justice to heal our communities and promote public safety. Let's end mandatory minimum sentences, eliminate the causes of domestic violence, and treat addiction as a health rather than a criminal justice problem.

Protect the Rights of Working People
Let's insist that employment and economic development be rooted in and accountable to our communities. The right's appeal to racism and a self-serving individualism must not distract us from the destructive corporate policies of downsizing, plant closings, union-busting, poverty wages, welfare-bashing and prison labor.

Protect Human Rights for All
Let's ensure a right to affordable housing, holistic health care, a healthy environment, a publicly funded education relevant to our children's future, and a violence and discrimination-free society.

A record of community service:

  • Project South: The Institute for the Elimination of Genocide and Poverty - member of the team which researched and wrote the first two editions of Who Owns Georgia Politics?: The Role of Private Money in Public Elections.

    Green Party - served in various capacities at the local, state and national levels, currently a second term founding member of the Coordinating Council for the Georgia Green Party, organized in 1996.

    Atlanta Bicycle Campaign - founding board member, served three terms. Developed Project BUG to support the organization of Bicycle User Groups in every jurisdiction of metropolitan Atlanta to build grassroots participation in transportation advocacy efforts.

    Georgia Environmental Project - 18 months of providing technical and organizing assistance to communities under attack from incinerator and landfill proposals. Coordinated the 3RCS Campaign to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Compost & Survey.

To reach the
Georgia Green Party , link here!

Here is how I've responded to candidate surveys:

The Sierra Club, Georgia Chapter
The Georgia Equality Project
The Georgia Container Recycling Coalition
NGCSU Political Science Student Assn Voter's Guide


Here are some of the press releases:

Esco Says We Need a Party of Our Own May 27th, 1998
Police Escort Green Candidates June 14th, 1998
Greens Challenge Election Law June 27th, 1998
Esco to Clean Up Political Litter July 28th, 1998

Here is the press coverage:

Read our first endorsement by a Daily Paper in Georgia:
Green Party Candidates Offer Clear, Uncompromising Choice by Hank Johnson
published: Athens Daily News/ Athens Banner Herald , Sunday, November 1, 1998
THE GREENING OF GEORGIA: 3 write-in options for Nov. 3
Richard Fausett , The Flagpole, October 7, 1998
Green Candidates Optimistic
Wayne Crenshaw, The Johnson (County) Journal, July 29, 1998


Hugh Esco
for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia